It’s been a crazy week with Melbourne going into lockdown, cancelling flights, bookings and having to return to the planning board for the album recording… to say we’ve been stressed is an understatement!!
For those that have been following my updates and newsletters, you’ll know I was meant to be going into the studio this weekend in Melbourne to record my second album. I was super excited (and nervous) but alas the current situation with covid has changed those plans. I’m heartbroken that I won’t be able to record in Melbourne with Steve Tyssen at Woodstock Studios as planned, and my heart goes out to all my friends in Vic who are doing it tough right now.
With all of that… I’m stoked to say we’re BACK ON TRACK!!
Album II will be going ahead in July, and we’ve managed to secure an amazing team up here in Queensland! I’ll be recording at the prestigious Lush Recording Studios in Clontarf with highly acclaimed engineer Bernie Wedrat at the helm, the epic tub master Mark Henman on drums, and my main man Julian Schweitzer – Producer mixing/producing remotely from Melbourne!
We want to thank everyone that has been working with us on this project so far, and I can’t wait to get in there and get workin’ on this! Also HUGE personal thanks to my manager and partner Sarah for her incredible work in pulling all of this together!
Stay tuned for more updates and gig announcements