New Year, New Merch, New Gigs!

It’s mid February already and things have been crazy over here at L.R. HQ! I’ve been flat out moving residence from Adelaide to Brisbane over January, all while working with my manager booking up my next national tour for April AND finishing off my current national tour for my album release! Put out an album and tour the country and move interstate, they said… it’d be a breeze, they said*.

(*nobody ever said these things.)

Alas I’m still kickin and I’m having an absolute blast! New merch is now available via my online store, shirts/tanks are cheap and super high quality (cheers AS Colour) and all packaging materials are 100% recycled paper, biodegradable, and/or compostable (thanks Lil Packaging and Hero Packaging). Loads of CD and Vinyl bundles left too!

Anyway, that’s all from me… hope you have all had a fantastic start to the new year and I can’t wait to see you on the road at a show or two!

– LR

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