A Year Off The Tour Bus

It’s been exactly a year ago today since I finished my last tour!! Time flies…

I’d just released my debut album The Ghosts Of and hit the road straight away, heading down the southern coast to Port Lincoln and stretching all the way back up to Brisbane. It was a bloody wild ride, with my trusty old van Suzie giving up on me just outside of Newcastle (hours before the show there), having to quickly hire a car from a random bloke that the repair shop owner knew who happened to live around the corner, moments before the shop closed and my phone was out of battery… nevertheless, I made the show by the skin of my teeth and hauled that random little hire car back up to Sunshine Coast to finish the tour, then all the way back down to Newcastle to pick up poor Suzie, living out of my swag and eating canned spaghetti on the side of the road from my camp stove… and it was on this day a year ago that I had just sat down on the couch after all that! GOD I MISS TOURING!!

New album is taking shape, and it’s sounding real bluesy and real upbeat! I’ll be going down to Melbourne this time to record with a good friend of mine and rumour has it there may even be some drums in the mix! It’s all very exciting and I can’t wait to tell you all more about it… a story for the next newsletter!

I’ll be hitting the bitumen real soon to celebrate the new album! Brisbane has been very kind to me since moving here, but I do miss my friends and fans out of state down the road!! Keep an eye on the Facebook page as I’ll be announcing some out of town gigs soon!

Until next time!

– LR

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